Monday, 12 April 2010

A pig barn....

So, I live with my friend Desiree.
And then our friend *insert name here* (sex: MALE) decided to trash crash our place for a minute. Cool.
But can someone please tell me how you go from this.... this, in the space of 5 days?

This is beyond unacceptable and probably the reason I couldn't see myself living with my boyfriend.... Shaving equippment here and there, toilet ring issues, shoes all over the house, empty bottles of anything you can think of, pizza crust in the sink... the list goes on.

I'm about to tidy up this mess like a damn housewife that I've become.... Sigh!
Shout out to Desiree who is enjoying a clean and peaceful swedish house right now.
Signing out!

1 comment:

swedish dummy said...

hahahahahaaaaaaaa jag dör, lilla marsvinet behöver ett hjul!

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Los Angeles, California, United States
