Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Toni Braxton

Wendy Williams and Tyra are my (currentling) two favorite talk shows.
The other day (or week should I say), Toni Braxton was guest @ WW show.
She premiered her new song "Make my heart", and this lipsynching is probably worse than anything Britney Spears has ever done.
For real Toni, we know you can sing.... this however, gets a download for the whole album! Bu-hu.... Check out the video for the song below... Love the color combination in the video..

1 comment:

swedish dummy said...

Hennes album är såå bra! Lyssnade sönder det på planet! :-D Mina favoriter är I Hate Love, Looking At Me, Make My Heart, Stay och Yesterday såklart... :P HIHI

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