Sunday, 28 November 2010

Beyonce Fever

It really doesn't matter if you like Beyonce's music or not.
It's about delivery. What she has done in her career.
She has a powerful voice, she works hard, you can't even clown her even if you wanted to. Yeah I hear a lot of people (hi Chris lol) say that she went from singing about your man paying your bills to independent women anthem. If you actually listen to "Bills, Bills Bills" then you would know that she asks for the man to pay the bills if he is using her car without filling up the gastank, or after calling his mama and all his boys and the bill comes all of a sudden he be acting dumb.... With that said, enjoy her ABC Thanksgivings Special 2010 if you missed it or you don't live in the USA.

Not the best quality but you get the bigger picture....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, okay what about, when she sings about nasty girls, the way they dress, in revealin clothes, then she wanna sing about how she soo bootylicious, in lil hot pants and bra top....

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