The other day I had a Facebook comment stating that I shaved of all my hair.
Well... false alarm...ofcourse.
I just shaved the sides n low back cut.
Pulled a good girl gone bad style.
If the stylist had me in that chair for another 20 minutes, i prolly
would've pulled a Britney and let it all go! Damn you Enoch!
Anyways, it's been a couple days and it's already growing.
Reason I wanted to go short(er) is because I thought it would be
easier to maintain.... THINK AGAIN!
With that said... I'm outta here.
'Til next time... Be safe!
Ps. has anyone seen the new Tyler Perry movie yet?

1 comment:
Nice!!! lol I have to see this in person! Get the full Good Girl gone bad effect! HA
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