Sunday, 18 December 2011

The Herbalife journey continues....

A few posts back, I wrote about my new weight journey with Herbalife.
The first week I lost 5.5 lbs, and I am currently wrapping up my third week!
Today I went for my weekly weigh in and the results for week 2 was being consistent.
Week 3 equals more consistency, however, I've lost 3.5 inches around my waist
and a total of 6 inches all over. I also lost 2.2% body fat.
New York body 2012 soon come! Whoop whoop! 

Wiz Khalifa - Phone Numbers

Two years later, and Wiz Khalifa is growing on me.... sort of.
I must've skipped this song when I was skimming through his album a while back, but I really like this song. It's called phone numbers and it's my song of the day!

Saturday, 17 December 2011

The misadventure of Awkward black girl

As I was reading one of the hair blogs that I follow, they had a post mentioning this internet short series called "The Misadventure of awkward black girl".
This is hiiiiiiiiilarious!!! I was hooked after the first 10 seconds and I caught up within an hour.
Any black girl (especially) can relate to almost all episodes (direct or indirect).
Episode 11 is the latest one and they will resume with episode 12 in January!
I can't wait! This really made the rest of my year!
Enjoy first episode!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Cross eyed Beyonce

I read that Jennifer Aniston was named most beautiful woman of all times.
When everyone else is dead or what? 
Now, if I could put my bid in, I'd go for Beyonce. 
How you fly when you're crossed eye goofy facing it up? 
Beyonce Know(le)s..

Saturday, 10 December 2011

And the winner is.... moi!

Ladies and gents... I can now add award winning writer to my resume! 
Ok, that sounded like I won an Oscar... lol. Let's try this again.
A couple months ago, I wrote an article for my school paper about smoking on campus. 
I would like to apologize (siiiike) to my fellow smoking students in advance, cause I had to bait you up, lol.
The piece was about students smoking on campus although it's against the school policy. 
The reason I wrote about it is because the school likes to emphasize the negative consequence plagiarism and cheating has due to "school policy".
Well how about we come clean with ALL school policies since they are so important. 
Anyways, after the article got published, the SMC school police more or  less looked like fools, so they had to step their A game up. 
Thank me later.
So, the big news is that I got a lil' trophy from school for best article 2011 for that particular article.  

Sweeeeet.... let the good times begin! *bbm dance smiley*
Read the article here

A la la la la long....

I spent my Friday listening to my reggae root Pandora station yesterday.
Ahhh, was dreaming myself away to Jamaica.. but uhm, back to the topic.
So today I came across Inner Circle "Sweat" (A la la long) music video.
What I noticed is that music has changed soooo much over the past 15 years (ok now I feel super old).
If you watch the video, you see everybody just having fun, laughing, dancing and enjoying life. 
In today's music videos it's all about "less is more" - factor. Half nekkid women, make up, sex, weaves, ass... all that BS.
 And "surprisingly", the music today has just decreased it's value (in my opinion).
Today's focus on image is greater than the actual music.
Man I miss the good old days, when MVT played music videos and pop ups...
How did we lose it all....?

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Lesley Brixx

My friend Lisa put me on a new artist by the name Lesley Brixx from Amsterdam. 
Just when I thought good music had really hit rock bottom, my ears are blessed with his music.
Good stuff. Listen to his new song "Future" and follow him on Twitter!

"His soulful and seductive voice leans towards the neo soul/ contemporary R'N'B genre. Brixx knows he is not the finalized product, aware that his style and musical journey’s just starting with so much to learn but his drive and dedication demonstrates that he has so much to share with his strong song writing abilities."

Twitter: @LesleyBrixx
Facebook: Lesley Brixx

Friday, 2 December 2011

Team Sexy in the building!

If you live in my household, you'll know that my daily meals for the past week have been protein shakes only (more or less). And if you don't know, now you know.
A few weeks ago, me and my friend "R" went to a beach boot camp held by Herbalife team. It really kicked our asses (!!!)
 I then realized how out of shape I am and how much weight I've gained ever since I moved to the U.S.
I've said to myself so many times that I'm gonna go on a diet, work out...bla bla bla, and I've started for a week and then back to In-N-Out for a double double.
Well, day after Thanksgivings (and no I didn't eat until I passed out) I decided to join Herbalife, a nutrition and weight management company.
 My upstairs neighbor been trying to get me on this program since I moved in here (1.5 years ago) but I've politely declined each invite. So I decide to go through, and went to her office and got started on my protein shakes, cell-u-loss pills and energy tea (today I added the nutrition bars for my snack meals). 
In all honesty, I thought it was bull shit but I remembered seeing a friend at the gym and he had lost mad weight and he told me he was on the Herbalife diet. So I gave it a try...
and today, I went for my one on one with my coach to find out I've lost 5.5 lbs (2.5 kilos)!!
Hurrrrrrray for me! If I continue at this pace, I'll meet my goal first week of 2012 (which is to lose 30 lbs!) 
Great way to ring in the new year.
With all the plans and goals I've set up for 2012, staying healthy and look fit will play a huge part.
Will fill you guys in as time pass by.
Another thing I've realized is that there is no point in saying you want to lose weight unless you're 150% devoted. There's this feeling that you have when you know for sure that you're not bullshitting anymore... I felt mine last week!

I'll update you guys about week two in a weeks time.

Opinion Editor

For those who don't know, this semester I am writing for my school paper. 
At first I thought it was going to be mad lame but it turns out this class has been one of my best classes. I'd like to call this class "self taught" class and give myself credit for the work I've put in.
Last week I was asked to come back and enroll in the class again but this times as an editor.
As much as I'm flattered, I think I will turn down the position, only because I can't see myself devoting that much time to the paper with the schedule I'll be having next semester :-( 
The fact that I write and don't edit also plays a roll. 
Who knows, I might change my mind.... after all it would look good on the resume *ching*

H&M Winter collection

I'm not too impressed with the winter collection by H&M but I'll leave some time for expansion.
Came across this canvas bag... and it's $0 according to the website. Great. I'll have 3 of those please!
Found a few things I could clear my closet for though....

Who is Mary Gold?

My photo
Los Angeles, California, United States
