Last night I was heading in for a good TREAT!
I've never really celebrated Halloween, but my friend invited me to a huge house party last night, so I thought fuck it let me just go and get it over n done with.
Driving, driving... coming close to a big ass gate.... continues driving.
BOOM, we're at the place now in simi valley.
Huge mansion, halloween decoration... did I mention huge mansion?
My one friend had to wait outside cos he didn't have a costume (who goes to a halloween mandatory costume party, without a costume??? Exactly, thinkin he JayZ or sum' shit), while I was inside trying to look for my other friend who invited me.
Browsing around the house now... shti loads of food, drinks (when I say there was an open bar like in the clubs...kaii), music was good and best of all there was EYECANDY!!!!
Grrrr.... So those who knows me, would also know that by now, I'm trynna figure out the owner of this mansion... Since I couldn't find my friend (and there was no reception) I had to ask random people.... So this one girl goes "Oh, it's Marcellus' party".
I didn't want to blatenly ask "Marcellus the xNFL player?".
And the fact that everyone had costumes didn't make shit easier.
So then I seen some other NFL potential players.
In my head I'm thinking... could this be it? Is my time with Reggie Bush here?
Muhahaha.... to my dissapointment.... it wasn't :-(
Anyways, party was jumpin' jumpin'....
If this is gonna be my Halloween next year, lemme know in advance so I can look extra sharp.
Yours truly!

PS. I didn't have my camera with me, but this is what Marcello look like.
I wonder what he was dressed up as.... hmmm...