It feels like I haven't blogged in like forever....
well I know I haven't and I really need to step my game up.
Right about now I'm so pissed off and I need to rant on behaviour!
Ever had to put up with stupid ass behaviour?
Me and Tilda got out of this seminar about networking
and were craving for INDIAN FOOD!
I know this place out in Inglewood (don't ask) that has one of the best indian food
I've ever had in my life... the bread... the chicken, ok let me stop.
So anyways, since we don't have a car we thought fuck it let's just jump on the bus.
So we did... everything went smooth and we got to the place, sat down and filled up our bellies.
Going home now... we met this crazy looking older dread head who chatted his life away.
Anyways he was no threath. When we got on the bus now there were about a hand full
of goon NIGGAS!! (that's what I'm gonna have to call them cos there are no other words).
"Ay yo fine thing, come here white girl, mmm you so fine and sexy...."
all of that shit that you hear on a daily base (and I'm not fronting).
I can take that... (just about).
So we sat at the back of the bus and the dread head sat there too and started talking
about how he is gonna take the President to court bla bla bla.
Then he started talking about how ugly Jay Z was and why Beyonce with him.. bla bla.
So I must've said something to him about Jay Z, and the guy that was sitting in front of me
slightly tilted back and said "Why you say that to him"... so random
and out of the blue... So I told Tilda, yo let's move up cos this dude
is about to have an outburst any minute now...
So we moved up to the middle of the bus and this dumba ass nigga starts making
some dumb ass comments to me and Tilda.
He was sitting with a retarded afghanistan friend of his (who looked like Heywire from Prison Break... ugh, ye the crazy one).
The comments he said made me just wanna send a nigga back to the field.
Like for real... I was sooo mad I didn't even know what to say.
You tell him your taken and he comes back with "all I need is 5 minutes with you and a drink".
In my head I'm thinking all you need is a gun to ur head!
Anyways, I don't wanna go in to deeper details, but people please...
..if you have loud as friends who wil lsay anything to anyone, anywhere!
This weekend I'm gonna look for a vanilla boy...
Hulda damn sure knew what she was talking about when she told me to date a white guy.
I'm still pissed and I've got a three hour Broadcasting class that starts in 15 minute.
Fuck me standing.
Yours truly